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Last week Ms Cronin, Mr O’ Connor and Mrs O’ Connor attended an Erasmus+ course in Spain with teachers from Poland, Greece and Germany. Whilst there we exchanged experiences related to teaching and learning biodiversity & ecology under the tutelage of an educational researcher and university instructor from the University of Barcelona. We followed instructional methods (Project-based teaching and learning) that have been effective for teaching and learning Biodiversity & Ecology in & out of school. We explored Universal Design Thinking Approach as a potential framework for designing and implementing projects in classroom-school-community. We created digital trails in a forest attached to a local primary school using wikiloc, made treasure hunts in the Botanical Gardens of Montjuic and visited a research centre on Bees. The course also included learning to observe through Sit Spots, drawing/painting and creating Bird Feeding stations.

We look forward to learning more about the Erasmus+ programme, Biodiversity and much more from our 3 staff over the coming weeks.

September Assembly 🤩

🤩September Assembly! 🤩 Today we held our first assembly of the school year. All of our school gathered together for the first time to...


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