Dear Parents,
Below are some reminders and points of information for you as we lead into the Midterm Break:
1. Midterm closing dates: The school is closed for Midterm break Monday 18th February – Friday 22nd February. School reopens for all pupils Monday 25th February.
2. Credit Union Quiz Team: Well done to the 8 pupils from 3 rd – 6 th Classes for participating in the annual Credit Union Quiz in Rathmore recently. All represented our school excellently!
3. Cross Country Competition: The Cumann na mBunscol Cross Country competition took place yesterday afternoon in Caherslee, Tralee. Well done to all our pupils that represented our school in this competition. Unfortunately some of our athletes missed out on partaking on this occasion due to illness. We wish them a speedy recovery!
4. Gymnastics: Tomorrow, Friday is the final week of Gymnastics with Danny Sarkas from Flares Gymnastics, part of the Physical Education programme for this term.
5. New Goals: It is hoped that new goals will be purchased in the near future for the school’s astro area with the help of funding from the Parents Association. This contribution to the school is very much appreciated.
6. Hurley and Helmet Scheme: North Kerry Juvenile Hurling in conjunction with Kerry Coaching and Games are running a scheme where pupils can purchase a hurley, helmet and sliotar for €50. This is good value for money for anybody who is interested! Please ask your child’s class teacher for a form if needed. This offer is running util March 1 st .
7. Absence notes reminder: A quick reminder that if your child is absent please send in a note with a reason for absence to the class teacher when your child returns to school. Pupils from 1st – 6th Classes have an absence note section in their Homework Journals for this purpose.
8. Green Schools: The current theme that the Green Schools Committee are working on is WATER. This theme is for a 2-year period where staff and pupils work towards achieving our third Green Flag through various tasks and initiatives aimed at conserving the water we use.
9. Enrolment forms: Enrolment forms are now available from the school secretary for new pupils for September 2019.
Wishing you all an enjoyable midterm break,
Lucy O’ Sullivan,