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Special Class for Pupils with Hearing Impairment

Following much communication with the Department of Education and NCSE (National Council for Special Education) I am delighted to inform you that a Special Class for Pupils with Hearing Impairment has been sanctioned for Knockanes N.S. for September next.

This is a wonderful development and opportunity for our school, our current staff and pupils and also our prospective pupils and their families. Pupils enrolled in this class will receive more targeted and focussed teaching and learning support whilst still integrating with their mainstream classes and peers during the school day. We will be allocated additional support staff also who will work specifically with the pupils in this class.

We look forward to beginning the process of setting up this class over the coming weeks and months and welcoming new staff and pupils to our school in September.

September Assembly 🤩

🤩September Assembly! 🤩 Today we held our first assembly of the school year. All of our school gathered together for the first time to...


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